How To Clean A Mattress?

A good night's sleep is essential for overall well-being, and your mattress plays a crucial role in ensuring a restful slumber. Over time, mattresses can accumulate dust, allergens, and stains, impacting both their longevity and your sleep quality. Regular mattress cleaning is a simple yet often overlooked task that can make a significant difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of how to clean a mattress effectively, ensuring a clean and comfortable sleeping environment.

Is It OK To Wash A Mattress?

Yes, it is generally not recommended to wash a mattress with water. Mattresses are not designed to withstand moisture, and wetting them can lead to various issues, such as mould and mildew growth, unpleasant odours, and damage to the mattress's structural integrity. Water can seep into the layers of the mattress, creating an environment conducive to bacterial growth, ultimately affecting your sleep quality and the mattress's lifespan.

Instead of washing with water, use dry cleaning to maintain your mattress. Vacuuming the mattress regularly with an upholstery attachment helps remove dust, allergens, and surface-level dirt. Baking soda can deodorise and absorb odours, while spot cleaning with water and mild dish soap can address specific stains.

Consider using a waterproof mattress protector to protect your mattress from spills and stains. This preventive measure adds an extra layer to shield the mattress, making it easier to clean and extending its longevity. Always refer to the mattress manufacturer's care instructions for specific guidelines on maintaining your mattress and keeping it in optimal condition.

How To Clean A Mattress? 8 Easy Steps

Step 1: Gather Your Cleaning Supplies

Before you embark on the mattress-cleaning journey, gather all the necessary supplies. You'll need:

  1. Vacuum cleaner with upholstery attachment
  2. Baking soda
  3. Distilled white vinegar
  4. Liquid dish soap
  5. Essential oils (optional for a pleasant fragrance)
  6. Clean cloths or paper towels
  7. Waterproof mattress protector (optional but highly recommended)

Step 2: Remove Bedding and Wash Linens

Start by stripping your mattress of all bedding, including bedsheets, pillowcases, and mattress protectors. Launder these items according to their care instructions. This will eliminate surface dirt and debris, making the subsequent cleaning steps more effective.

Step 3: Vacuum the Mattress

Using the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner, thoroughly vacuum the entire mattress surface. Pay special attention to seams, crevices, and areas around the edges where dust and allergens accumulate. This step helps remove loose dirt, dust mites, and other particles affecting your sleep quality.

Step 4: Spot Clean Stains

If your mattress has visible stains, it's time to tackle them. Create a mixture of equal parts water and liquid dish soap. Blot the stained area with a clean cloth or sponge dipped in soapy water. Avoid soaking the mattress; excess moisture can lead to mould and mildew growth. Consider using a specialised mattress stain remover, following the product's instructions for stubborn stains.

Step 5: Deodorise with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural deodoriser and can help eliminate any lingering odours from your mattress. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda evenly across the entire surface, paying extra attention to stained or odorous areas. Let the baking soda sit for at least 30 minutes, allowing it to absorb odours and moisture.

Optional: Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the baking soda for a pleasant fragrance. Lavender, tea tree, or eucalyptus oils are famous for their antibacterial properties.

Step 6: Vacuum Again

After allowing the baking soda to work magic, vacuum the mattress again to remove the now-infused powder. Ensure you go over the entire surface to pick up any remaining residue. Your mattress should now be fresher and free of odours.

Step 7: Disinfect with White Vinegar

White vinegar is an excellent natural disinfectant that can help kill bacteria and germs on your mattress. Mix equal parts distilled white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the entire mattress surface, focusing on areas prone to bacteria growth. Allow the mattress to air dry completely before placing any bedding back on.

Step 8: Protect with a Mattress Protector

Consider investing in a waterproof mattress protector to maintain a clean and hygienic sleeping environment. This protective layer protects against spills, stains, and allergens, preventing them from reaching the mattress. Waterproof mattress protectors are easy to clean and can significantly extend the lifespan of your mattress.


A clean mattress is essential for a healthy and restful sleep. Following these simple yet effective steps, you can free your mattress from dirt, allergens, and odours. Regular maintenance, coupled with the use of a mattress protector, will not only improve the longevity of your mattress but also contribute to a healthier sleep environment. So, invest a little time in mattress care, and you'll be rewarded with nights of rejuvenating sleep for years to come.


How often should I clean my mattress?

It is advisable to clean your mattress at least twice a year. However, consider more frequent cleaning if you have allergies, pets, or spill-prone habits.

Can I use a vacuum cleaner to clean my mattress?

Yes, you can use any vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment. Ensure the attachment is clean and debris-free before starting to vacuum your mattress.

What is the purpose of using baking soda on a mattress?

Baking soda is a natural deodoriser and helps absorb odours and moisture from the mattress. It also aids in freshening up the overall sleeping environment.

How do I deal with stubborn stains on my mattress?

For stubborn stains, create a mixture of water and liquid dish soap. Gently blot the stained area with a clean cloth or sponge. If needed, consider using a specialised mattress stain remover, following the product's instructions.

Can I use bleach to clean my mattress?

Using bleach on a mattress is not recommended, as it can damage the fabric and leave harsh chemical residues. Stick to mild solutions such as soapy water or a vinegar-water mixture.

Is it necessary to use a mattress protector?

While not mandatory, a mattress protector is highly recommended. It acts as a barrier against spills, stains, and allergens, prolonging the life of your mattress and maintaining a hygienic sleep environment.